четверг, 17 марта 2011 г.

The Jelling Stones

There are two special stones in Jelling. They are set up by Harald Blåtand, in English Harald Bluetooth, who was the first king in Denmark. There is a little stone and a bigger stone. The big stone was set up between 960 and 985. Harald Bluetooth set them up as a memory for his parents. On the big stone is written :
King Harold does these runes after his father, Gorm and after his mother Thyra, the Harold who won all Denmark and Norway and made the Danes Christians”
Beside the big stones side stands a smaller stone. That stone was set up about 955. On the little stone is written : King Gorm made this monument after Thyra his wife” . These stones are very important.

Best wishes from Ann Sophie and Emilie L.

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